Leyland and Partners Приложения

VolleyScout Player 1.2
Leyland and Partners
VolleyScout Player allows you to collectperformance data during a volleyball match and have some keyperformance indicators about the scouted player. Five skills(serve, serve receive, dig attack, block)can be scouted at 4evaluation levels.
Basketball TeamScout 1.1
Basketball TeamScout allows to collect dataduring basketball games in order to evaluate the players technicalperformance. The app is not intended for collecting the typicalstatistics you may get at the end of the match through othersources, rather allows you to evaluate the quality of each playeraction.In other terms, it allows to identify strengths and weaknesses ofeach player.The evaluation can be carried out selecting one out of four levelsfor 5 skills (shot, rebound, steal, block, pass).The app supports up to 12 players and data can be collected formultiple matches, can be analyzed locally via tables and charts orcan be sent via email.
Tennis PerfStats Plus 1.0
Performance statistics for tennis players. Theapp allows you to collect data on 5 skills with 4 evaluation levelsand 3 types of statistics reports. It support multiple matches,unlimited number of shots and allows to send summary statistics viaemail.
Football PerfStats + 1.0
This app allows you to collectperformancestatistics data for one player during a soccer matches.It supports5 types of skills and 4 evaluation levels.Statistics data can also be sent via email.It's ideal for monitoring the evolution through various matches,forexample for a son or friend.
Volleyball Scout Team 1.2
VolleyScout Team allows you to collect dataduring volleyball matches for a whole team. You have to define theteam players, first. Five skills (serve, reception, attack, dig,block) can be evaluated using four levels.The app reports per match / per player statistics that can beanalyzed locally or can be sent via email.
Volleyball Scout Player Plus 1.1
Volleyscout Player Plus allows you tocollectperformance statistics for one player during volleyballmatches. Itsupports five skills (serve, serve receive, dig, attack,block)that can be evaluated using four levels. Various statisticsarereported and can be sent via email. The app supportsmultiplematches and unlimited actions.